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I've Always Been "The Creative One"

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I started my design career when I was yearbook editor at Los Alamos High School in Los Alamos, NM, my lovely home town. I realized I loved computers and design and when I graduated, I planned to be an Art Major at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY. I quickly realized that I was limiting my education at such a small school and after two years there I transferred to Utah Valley University, where I graduated with a degree in Visual Communications with an emphasis in Graphic Design. In Utah, I was able to complete two internships, the first being for the Springville Museum of Art, where I helped create their brochure for the year and other promotional items for the exhibitions. My second internship was for a Communication Professor, who helped give me opportunities to show my designs throughout the department and the school. When I graduated, I moved to Great Falls, MT and started doing graphic design, blog and content writing, and social media for PrintingCenterUSA. I then moved to Billings, MT where my freelance career began. I joined the team at Online Marketing Help Agency as a Digital Marketing Manager and Content Developer.


I now live in Fort Collins, CO and am pursuing my business as a full time graphic designer and content developer. Design and writing are both passions of mine and getting to work creatively with people every day is a dream come true.  

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